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November Guild Meeting – replaced by bus trip

November 16th 2019.  BUS TRIP TO STITCHES in Pasadena.  This replaces our regular Guild meeting.  40 participants are needed to cover the cost of the bus and your reservation must be made by October 9th. Please email Kathleen Rauber at to let her know if you are interested in this field trip by October 9th.. Checks should be made payable to SBFAG. Mail checks to Santa Barbara Fiber Arts Guild, P.O. Box 30944, Santa Barbara,
CA 93130.

October Members’ Show!

Faulkner Gallery Exhibit “Fabrications”
Our annual Fiber Art exhibit will be October 2 – 30. Ingathering Day will be October 1.
The Faulkner Exhibit is fast approaching!. Please get your piece ready to hang and bring it to the Santa Barbara library between 9 and 11 on Tuesday October 1. The Reception will take place on First Thursday, October 3rd, from 5-7. Contact us via the Contact page if you need an entry form or have any other questions.

Please note that the Reception will replace our usual Saturday Meeting.

September Guild Meeting (and Workshop!)

September 7 and 8, 2019, Presentation and Workshop
Deborah Jarchow Presentation and Workshop Instructor

SBFAG Meeting on Saturday, September 7, at San Antonio Village, 39 N. San Marcos Road, Santa Barbara, at 9:30 am.


The presenter for the September Guild meeting will be Deborah Jarchow of
Studio Channel Islands Art Center in Camarillo, California. Topic: Weaving “Tips and Tricks”.

Have you wondered if there are better ways to warp or weave? With over 25
years weaving experience, Deborah has discovered easy ways to remedy many
problems/mistakes that occur when weaving. In this presentation, she will
share handy ways to make your weaving easier and more efficient. She will
discuss warping tips, ways to fix tension issues, easy methods for sampling,
ideas for record keeping, techniques for choosing colors, what tools will be
helpful (both traditional and inventive), and so much more. Whether you
weave on a rigid heddle or multi harness loom, you will learn useful tips to
enhance your weaving process.
Hand Manipulated Weave Structures (Leno, Brooks Bouquet, etc.)
September 7, 1:00 – 5:00 pm and September 8, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Cost

The one-and-a-half-day workshop will be held at 1:00 pm at San Antonio
Village, 39 N. San Marcos Road, Santa Barbara, following the Santa Barbara
Fiber Arts Guild meeting. Please bring a sack lunch or you can go out for lunch
and arrive at San Antonio Village clubhouse by 1:00 pm to begin the
Each participant will produce a Hand Manipulated Weave Structures sampler
and learn the techniques necessary to produce Leno, Brooks Bouquet and
other weave structures.
Class Level: Advanced Beginner
Description: By twisting or wrapping your warp yarns you can weave
distinctive textures and patterns in your cloth. Learn to weave lace-like open
areas as parts of a design throughout the fabric or as a notable edge treatment.
Discover how to highlight your patterns by adding a thicker yarn or ribbon.
On the first day while making a sampler, you’ll learn how to make leno, brooks
bouquet, medallions, and other fancy patterns. During the second day you will
master the art of adding beads to the patterns. See how beads can make the
weaving pop! If you’ve been looking for ways to add more interest to your
weaving, these techniques will get you there. You too can create cloth that is
visually stunning.
Supplies to bring: 300 yards each of 2 different solid color worsted weight
yarn that is at least 2 ply, non-hairy, strong and smooth. 50 yards bulky weight
yarn. 2 dozen beads that will Fit onto your worsted weight yarn. Scissors,
tapestry needle, cardboard tube from inside a paper towel roll, 2 brown paper
grocery bags.
As with last year workshop, Deborah is happy to supply looms if anyone needs
one. She will also bring extra supplies like heddles, pick up sticks, shuttles,
etc. if anyone needs them.
Please email Kathleen Rauber at to let her know if you
are interested in the workshop. Checks should be made payable to SBFAG.
Mail checks to Santa Barbara Fiber Arts Guild, P.O. Box 30944, Santa Barbara,
CA 93130.
In order to reserve placement in the workshop, please sign up by August 7,
Cancellation Policy: To reserve placement in a scheduled Santa Barbara Fiber
Arts Guild event, full payment is due, normally, 30 days prior to the date of the
event. Additionally, there is a registration fee of $35 for non-members.
Cancellations must be made in writing, either by mail or email. If you notify
the Guild at least 30 days prior to the event, you will receive a full enrollment
refund. No refunds will be made after that date due to our contractual
obligations and materials acquisitions. If the Guild is compelled to cancel the
event, you will receive a full refund

August Guild Meeting

Annual Dye Day in the Park!

This year we are meeting on August 10th at our usual spot, Area #2 at Tucker’s Grove Park where Turnpike meets Cathedral Oaks. 10 am til 3 pm. Bring your own lunch, snacks and drinks (we had too many wasps last year when we left out platters of snacks so we’re skipping that.)

We will have several volunteers manning pots of natural dyes including indigo, mushroom and cochineal and oxalis (remember to bring your frozen flowers from the spring bloom!). We will also have a mordant (alum) for those that need it. Bring gloves as well as a few small pieces of natural fiber fabrics or yarn. Nothing bulky as many will be sharing the pots. We will have a FEW silk scarves for sale for $10 if needed. We will also have some shibori tools for patterning. Come try your hand at this fun craft and you may catch the natural dyeing bug too! 1

July Guild Meeting (and Workshop!)

July 6 and 7, 2019, Presentation and Workshop

Toni Best Presentation and Workshop Instructor

SBFAG Meeting on Saturday, July 6, at Maravilla, 5486 Calle Real, Santa Barbara, at 9:30 am.  


The presenter for the July Guild meeting will be Toni Best of Visalia, California, on Free Form Gourd and Pine-needle Basketry. She will talk about her basketry and its evolution over the past 60 years. She will demonstrate how it has changed from more symmetrical and standard forms and grown into an art form that portrays flights of vision and movement. Toni is a retired musician and has transformed her music background into the flow and movement of her basketry. As she has matured as an artist, her basketry pieces have grown in imagination through her constant attempts to be challenged.

Free Form Gourd and Pine-needle Basketry Workshop

April 6, 2019, 1:30 – 5:00 pm.

April 7, 2019, 9:00 – 5:00 pm. Cost $150.00. All materials included.

The one-and-a-half-day workshop will be held at 1:30 pm at San Antonio Village, 39 N. San Marcos Road, Santa Barbara, following the Santa Barbara Fiber Arts Guild meeting. Please bring a sack lunch or you can go out for lunch and arrive at San Antonio Village clubhouse by 1:30 pm to begin the workshop.

Please email Kathleen Rauber at to let her know if you are interested in the workshop. Checks should be made payable to SBFAG. Mail checks to Santa Barbara Fiber Arts Guild, P.O. Box 30944, Santa Barbara, CA 93130.

June Guild Meeting

The presentation for this meeting will be member led. Three members of the Guild were Ure/Warren Memorial Educational Grant Fund recipients in 2018. Each member will be presenting a 10 to 15 minute presentation regarding their workshop or workshops that they participated in and share with the general guild what they learned and present any samples or finished items that they produced resulting from their workshop. These members are:

Charlotte Gould who took a Repp Weave Workshop at the 2018 Convergence in Reno.

Elisabeth Douglass took an Inkle Loom Workshop at the 2018 Convergence in Reno.

Georganne Alex took a Natural Dyes and Block Printing Workshop

Robin Hamlin and Bev Ryan are eager to share with the Guild a PowerPoint presentation on their 2018 Italy trip and a few of their Italian purchases.

The meeting will be at Maravilla Senior Living in Goleta, regular time.

May Guild Meeting (May 4th)

Our presenter for the Saturday, May 4, meeting, at Maravilla, is Tim Cardy of
Cardigans Knit Shop. His presentation will include a talk about his background
in costume design, an overview of some of his merchandise offered in his shop
and a show and tell of samples to be covered in the two hour workshop in the
The Knitting Workshop will begin after lunch at 1:00 pm at the meeting room
of Maravilla but is sold out at this time. The participants will be making a knitted sampler that will include mosaic knitting, brioche knitting, double knitting and other color blended techniques.
Contact to see if there are any openings, to get on the waiting list.

April Guild Meeting and Workshop

SBFAG Meeting on SaturdayApril 6, 2019

***Please note location for this meeting and workshop***

Church of Christ: 677 N. Turnpike Road, Santa Barbara. 

9:30, business meeting at 10:00, presentation follows

Presentation by Valerie McClean: (at the morning meeting)

Ever wonder how you felt something that is 3 dimensional and it doesn’t felt together, or how to make a pocket, a coat or hat.  What do you use and why that and not something else?  Once you understand this and the technique you can felt just about any shape.  Come on the first Saturday in April and see several things that have been made using a resist, sample of resists and the size the finished product started out as before the shrinkage.  See you then, and bring your questions. 

Workshop with Valerie McLean: (in the afternoon)

April 6, 2019, 1:00-5:00 pm. Cost: $45; Non-member enrollment fee is $80

This half day workshop will be held at the Church of Christ, 677 N. Turnpike Road, Santa Barbara, following the Santa Barbara Fiber Arts Guild meeting. Please bring a sack lunch or you can go out for lunch and return by 1:00 pm to begin the workshop.

Please sign up at the Wake Center WOW classroom or email in order to sign up for the workshop. Deadline is March 16th.

Checks should be made payable to Valerie McLean and given to her on the day of the workshop.

Felting a three-dimensional vessel

This will be a basic felting workshop for a three-dimensional vessel using wool roving and a flat resist. Students will gain an understanding of and the techniques involved with the construction of a vessel such as bowls, hats, bags and totes.

Initially, students will be making the same vessel using a resist in the shape of a circle but each participant will decide where the opening will be and how the vessel will be embellished. All wool and embellishments will be provided.

Two weeks before class, Valerie will send out a list of supplies for each participant is to bring. These are items you have at home: olive oil bar of soap, or liquid or bar of Ivory soap, or liquid Palmolive soap, a small bucket or tub to hold your water in and a couple of towels for water spills.

No Materials Fee. All felting materials are included with the workshop fee. In order to reserve placement in the workshop, please sign up by March 16, 2019[


March Guild Meeting (and Workshop!)

Jannie Taylor from Central Coast Weavers
Presentation and Workshop
(note: we will have the regular meeting Saturday morning at Maravilla, the workshop will be 2 days, on Sunday and Monday at San Antonio Village).

Presentation: Totally Tied-Weaves
Meeting on Saturday, March 2, at Maravilla, 5486 Calle Real, Santa Barbara

You may have tried Summer & Winter or dabbled with a little Tied Overshot; you may have heard of something called “Bergman” or wondered what on earth “Quigley” might look like. If so, you are off to a good start, but you’ve hardly scratched the surface of the amazing world of Tied-Weaves. Learn the basics of what makes a weave “Tied”; how these structures work and how weaving software can make the design process fun and easy.

Workshop with Jannie Taylor on March 3 and 4 needs a few more participants!
The two-day workshop will be held at the San Antonio Village clubhouse, 39 N. San Marcos Road, Santa Barbara. Please email or use the CONTACT page to sign up!
March 3 and 4, 2019, 9:00-4:00 each day. Cost: $200 member, $235 non-members

Weaving and Designing in Summer & Winter (2 days)
Students will gain an understanding of the tied weave commonly known as Summer & Winter through drafting exercises and by weaving samples of a variety of Summer & Winter designs on 4, 6, 8 and more shafts. Influence of color, value and scale in Summer & Winter designs will be discussed and covered through software demonstrations and a variety of samples. Using Summer & Winter for clothing, accessories and household textiles will be discussed.
Students will each bring a loom, pre-threaded to a design provided by the instructor. Each workshop participant will leave the class with their own annotated Summer & Winter workbook and a set of samples. This will be a Round-Robin Weaving Workshop.
Skill Level: Beginner to advanced. Participants should be able to read a weaving draft and thread a loom.
Materials Fee: $35.00 for a comprehensive workbook. Optional $15.00 fee for a collection of all workshop drafts, plus bonus drafts.

February Guild Meeting

The February 2, 2019, Santa Barbara Fiber Arts Guild Program is a presentation by Shari McKelvy of Morro Fleece Works, in Morro Bay, on the “Sheep to Shawl” Process. This program will be of interest to weavers, spinners and knitters in the guild. “Sheep to Shawl” includes the processing of wool from the shearing of a sheep to the weaving of a shawl. This includes, the shearing of a sheep, cleaning and processing of the wool, the spinning of the fiber and to the weaving of the garment. Shari will also include a discussion on some of the details involved in the running of the mill and what products and services that they provide to other companies or the individual consumer.

We will be meeting at the Clubhouse at Maravilla Senior Living in Goleta.